Happy Holidays!

The club’s annual “In From The Cold” Christmas benefit dance took place on  the evening of Friday 13th. The evening started with a pot-luck dinner at 6PM followed by an evening of dancing until the reality that it was Friday 13th hit the computer and hearing assist causing both units to stop working. Both are up and running again. The hearing assist is sporting a replacement power supply courtesy of Value Village and the computer after extensive testing has been declared fit for service again. In spite of the gremlins it was a very successful evening with $756 raised for Parkdale United Church’s “In From The Cold” program. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the evening! I will have some pictures (courtesy Ziggy) in the “Gallery” hopefully before too long.

The website has been updated with the dance calendar for the next session which will run from early January to the end of March. Monday dancing starts on Jan 6 and Thursday dancing on Jan 9 for 12 weeks. Monday dancers please make note that Feb. 17th is Family Day so there won’t be dancing that day.

An upcoming change to the website will be the addition of a password to access the Dropbox videos. Once this is done I’ll email all our club members with the password. If you haven’t received it once it’s in effect please email WebKeeper@capitalcarousels.ca and I’ll email it to you. If you know someone in another dance club who’s been using the videos to improve their dancing please give me their email and I’ll send them the password.

It’s now officially winter and you can expect some stormy days when you’ll wonder if dancing is on. Please check your email before setting out to see if there’s a cancellation notice. I will also try to get a cancellation notice front and center on the website as well.

A number of dancers are heading on vacation in the next couple of months. Safe travels to all.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukkah  and Happy Dancing in 2020.

Winter Session Starts Next Week

Happy New Year everyone. It’ll soon be time to dance off the calories from those Christmas goodies!

The Monday group will start dancing on Jan 7th with the session running for 11 weeks until Mar 25th. There will be no dancing on Monday Feb 18th, it being Family Day and the church closed.
The Thursday group starts on Jan 10th running for 12 weeks until Mar 28th.
Fees are the same as the Fall session; $5 per dance for dancers signing up for the complete session ($55 total for Monday dancers and $60 total for Thursday dancers.) If you pay for individual dance sessions it remains $8 per dance session.
If a dance session has to be cancelled for some reason, ie stormy weather, no heat at the church hall, etc, you’ll be advised by email (or telephone if you have no email), so it’s always a good idea to check your email before heading out to dance just in case.
The programs for next week’s dances are now posted on the website. There are no teaches next week, just plenty of dancing! Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the dance floor next week.