Valentine’s News

Last Friday was Valentine’s Day. There was plenty of red to be seen at the club and at coffee break, plenty of cake to be eaten.
Of course there were those who didn’t get the message about wearing red, like the guy on the left in the picture below. The lady beside him tells me she had definitely reminded him. He says that she reminded him 10 minutes before he went to get dressed so he forgot. Any men reading this will certainly understand where he’s coming from.

That’s Lyn behind practicing a dance move in her Valentine’s skirt.
Thanks to Pat I. for the photos.

Although our numbers are down significantly with folks on vacation, we have learned a couple of new dances. A phase 4 Cha “Little Spanish Town” taught by Ziggy & Jenny and a beautiful phase 4 slow two step, ” Wake Up Dancin’ “ by Sue & Doug. Both these dances are on “Dropbox”. Look for “Spanish Town” in the 2019 Swing Into Spring folder.  We’ve also been honing our skills reviewing some difficult moves from dances we’ve learned previously thanks to John & Marg.

Another recent addition to Dropbox is  “Besame Mucho”. This dance video previously had terrible audio and the cuing was extremely hard to hear and understand. I’ve been able to match Donna’s cuing  to the video so it’s much more useful now.

A reminder to be sure and check your email before leaving for dance, especially if the weather looks dubious, to see if dance is cancelled. I’ll also endeavour to add a notice to the website as well.

Spring is hopefully just around the corner.

Winter Session Starts Next Week

Happy New Year everyone. It’ll soon be time to dance off the calories from those Christmas goodies!

The Monday group will start dancing on Jan 7th with the session running for 11 weeks until Mar 25th. There will be no dancing on Monday Feb 18th, it being Family Day and the church closed.
The Thursday group starts on Jan 10th running for 12 weeks until Mar 28th.
Fees are the same as the Fall session; $5 per dance for dancers signing up for the complete session ($55 total for Monday dancers and $60 total for Thursday dancers.) If you pay for individual dance sessions it remains $8 per dance session.
If a dance session has to be cancelled for some reason, ie stormy weather, no heat at the church hall, etc, you’ll be advised by email (or telephone if you have no email), so it’s always a good idea to check your email before heading out to dance just in case.
The programs for next week’s dances are now posted on the website. There are no teaches next week, just plenty of dancing! Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the dance floor next week.

Final Week Of Fall Session Dancing

Is that a “Step Hop” that Santa’s doing?

Next week is our final dance week of the Fall session. It’s probably not that hard to believe with snow on the ground for a couple of weeks now!
In addition to our regular Monday and Thursday dance sessions next week, don’t forget our Christmas Party night next Friday Dec 7th. Doors will open at 5:30PM with a potluck dinner starting at 6PM. Dancing will start at 7PM and continue until approx. 9 – 9:30PM. Again this year admittance to the dance is $15 with all funds received being donated to Parkdale United’s “In From The Cold” program which feeds 125 – 150 needy people each week. Donations of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt.

The Winter dancing sessions will start on Monday Jan 7th and Thursday Jan 10th. The website will be updated with more Winter session information after next week so please check back then. I’ll be sending out an email to all dancers once the update is done.

If you wake up to inclement weather on a dance morning and wonder if dancing has been cancelled please check for an email from the club executive to that effect before leaving home. If you don’t have email an attempt will be made to contact you by phone.

Hope to see you at the party next week!

Winter/Spring Transition

It is Mar 6 and with warm temperatures outside, the snow is melting. We hope the transition to spring has started. At Capital Carousels though, spring will have to hold off for a few weeks as the end of our Winter Session has been moved to Apr 6+7 to make up for our 2 snow days we had in February. Our Spring Session will now be 4 weeks in length and run from the week of Apr 13-14 and end the week of May 4-5. The cost will be $28/person or $56/couple for the 4 week session. If you are paying per week, the fee will continue at $10/person or $20/couple. Also remember after our Spring Session ends, we will have some special visitors in on May 11+12 with a couple of bonus teaches-phase 3+4! JL and Linda Pelton will be with us and we get the benefit of their excellent instruction for just $5/person for BOTH DAYS! We will also celebrate immediately after Thursday’s session with a potluck lunch at Parkdale. What a wonderful way to end the Pelton’s visit and a fun 2 days. Can’t wait. Wednesday, May 18 will be our last day and a culmination of our dance season for 2015/2016. Both our Wednesday and Thursday dancers are invited and we will enjoy a full night of dance. Come and join us for our last dance of the 2015-2016 season!
With the spring comes the return of our snow birds! We look forward to seeing you all again and finding out about all of your adventures this year. Maybe even a few dances! It’ll be here before we know it!
It seems like it was so long ago when we started talking about Swing Into Spring. Unbelievable as it may seem, it will be here Apr 29-May 1. If you are wanting to go, now is the time to sign up. David Goss and Ulla Figwer will be back once again and as we know, they are excellent instructors. What levels are taught at Swing Into Spring are based on what levels the enrolled dancers have requested. They won’t know what level you want taught at the event if you don’t enroll and indicate it on the registration form. Sign up soon!
It seems like this year is flying by! We don’t want anyone to miss out on what’s going on as there is still lots to come in our dance season! See you on the dance floor!

Our Winter Session Has Started

Our holiday break has now ended and we are thrilled to be moving on to our new winter dance session! By the looks on everyone’s faces both Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, it seems that all of our members at Capital Carousels are glad to be back too. Thursday morning, we had a bit of snow squall on the way in to Parkdale and were glad to the many who made the trek in. We understand those who could not make it given the circumstances.
There was no rest for our dancers though as Pat and John got us right back into the learning curve with foxtrot teaches on both days. On Wednesday night, we started reviewing, “It’s Always New To Me” phase 4 foxtrot by David Goss and Ulla Figwer. Thursday morning we started the classic phase 4 foxtrot, “Witchcraft” by Ken and Irene Slater. Both definitely good dances in their own rights. You will find the cuesheets for both of these dances in our set of links under “Dance Season”.
As you get back into the swing of things on the dance floor, you may be interested in attending a local round dance in our area. You will have that opportunity on Feb 6 as EOSARDA holds their annual Frosty Fling. This dance, set up to encourage beginner dancers to be out and about to other venues apart from their own clubs features both a square and round dance hall. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time right at our club! You can see Ziggy if you would like to purchase and they will be $8/person in advance or $10/person at the door.
It might be cold (and getting colder) outside, but Capital Carousels is confident we can make up for it while you are on the dance floor. Come enjoy the company and the exercise you get dancing at Capital Carousels!