Originally posted by Donna Stewart March/24/2016 09:15 PM
We all seemed to have come through St. Patrick’s Day unscathed and this week it was back to business and continued work on our workshops on both days. On Wednesday, we continued work on the phase 4 quickstep called “The Truth About Love” and began learning the chasse weave. For the first night of learning that figure, Donna and John were very impressed at how well everyone did! You walked the figure very well and this coming week we will dance it even more to music than this past week. To keep the momentum going and as promised, here are a few notes on the chasse weave:
It is a 4 measure figure which begins in closed position diagonal line and centre, with our lead feet free. To make it easier we have broken it up into 2 parts—First part-turn left and chasse to banjo and step back. Second part-step back-turn left and chasse to banjo and step forward. The figure will end in banjo facing diagonal line and wall-lead feet free. The timing for the figure is S-QQS-S-S-QQS-S. Remember-TRAIN THE BRAIN. Remember the sequence and it’ll take you far. Again, check out the videos of either Boogie Bumper or Almost Like Being In Love for reference. Next week, we will take about 5-10 minutes prior to coffee break to review and dance to music for the chasse weave. That worked well this past week for the running back locks so John and I have decided to try that approach again this week. Great work gang!
We also had a good session on Thursday working on rise and fall in waltz! It was great to see the wave action throughout the dance floor of our dancers putting rise and fall into practice while dancing. You really had some extra sparkle this week gang! Great job! We will continue to work on rise and fall this coming week as we work on Part B and the Ending of “The Girl With The Sun In Her Hair”. The cue sheet is now posted on the website if you would like to download it.
Looking forward to a great week next week everyone! Have a great Easter wherever you may be celebrating!