If you haven’t registered for this excellent dance workshop there’s still time. Dance teaches will be a Ph4 Slow Two Step on Friday afternoon, a Ph3 Rumba Friday evening (followed by a dance), a Ph5 Foxtrot Saturday morning and finally a Ph4 Jive Saturday afternoon. A Ph3-5 dance will take place on Saturday night.
More information is available on this website. Go to “Capital Caper Weekend” in the top menu.
We hope to see you there!
Category: Lessons
This coming fall will be a busy time for Capital Carousels with not only our current Wednesday and Thursday clubs, but also our beginner round dance lessons class and new phase 2-3 club which will be running on Thursday afternoons! We at Capital Carousels are already getting proactive with respect to getting the word out about our new lessons and club through our website and Facebook page, flyers, email broadcasts, word of mouth and soon to come round dance demos at square dance clubs! As another form of advertising, we will be featuring a movie trailer created to boost interest in our upcoming venture!
To create our movie trailer, we will require some still pictures of some HAPPY dancers, and also some video demonstrating some dance rhythms we do of some HAPPY dancers IN ACTION! We want our prospective dancers to see what kind of fun we have dancing and at Capital Carousels, so SMILES AND FUN are a pre-requisite! I may ask some of you for assistance to take your picture or video you dancing a very small portion of a dance for our movie trailer. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and although, I must say you cannot expect royalties from this, you can be sure that your participation may just have tipped the scale in someone deciding to give round dancing a try!!
See you on the set!