Originally posted by Donna Stewart April/27/2018 07:53 PM
Can you imagine…next week we will be in May! Where has our season gone? Counting this coming week, we only have two weeks left in our regular season. Instead of starting anything new and no dance followup to practice anything new until next September, Pat has decided that we will have all dance days through the remainder of our season. We will get lots of chances to practice what we have learned this year as well as dance to some of our favourites. Also a chance to have some nice “downtime” for the next couple of weeks.
Our final dance of the season will be held on Wednesday, May 16 which will give everyone from both clubs a chance to get together! It will be an all dance night and at about the 1/2 way point. we will have a short club meeting to bring you up to date on next year’s plans and elect next season’s executive. At the end of the evening, we will have a chance for some socializing over some very tasty tidbits! We all are well aware that our members are great cooks and we are asking for everyone to bring one of their favourite finger food creations! Ian and Ann have created a signup sheet which will be on Gavin’s desk at our coming dance days, so please sign up. My mouth is watering already! Of course, we are a dance club and there will be plenty of that going on, on May 16. Pat will have a dance program which will not only cover many rhythms we dance, but will be something for everyone whether you dance on Wednesday or Thursday. You can also expect many dances we have learned this season to be on the program. Donna will also be cueing the entire evening giving our sound equipment operators a well deserved break and a chance to enjoy the evening.
We hope you will plan to attend our final dance of the year! It’s a great opportunity to get together as a club and just have fun, dance and talk about our summer plans. Come and join us for our final dance of the season and by all means….LET’S DANCE!!