It’s The Last Hurrah!

After being your webmaster for the past 5 years or so, this is my last blog post and website update. Writing this post does stir up some bittersweet memories, as I remember the countless hours put into developing the site as well as the growing amount of content that has developed over the years. The Capital Carousels website was primarily developed in the beginning as a method of communication for our club members. Somewhere our dancers could look to see what dances were on the dance program and just getting those tidbits of information on club events through the blog entries. Our gallery added a personal touch for our members to relive memories in pictures. Over the years, the website grew in content with a few areas I am particularly proud of. The expansion of our LINKS page showing not only organizations of interest to us, but also dance video sites, cue sheet sites, online instruction sites and videos to purchase information. This also recently expanded with Mike and Lyn’s DropBox contribution which is so helpful for teaches we have learned at the club and subsequent information not only found on video, but also in document form! A few years ago, in an effort to create interest in beginner lessons, I developed a movie clip which could be viewed on our site here. That video was also posted to our Facebook Page (which I am also administrator of) and created a lot of interest in other areas of the round dance community as an innovative way to advertise.
Yes, the website takes a lot of work, with weekly updates required during the dance season and other bigger builds required at times, but to me, it was well worth it, as I know you all appreciated the site!! I heard it many times over these years and I thank everyone so much for the support shown me, and the pride we have had showing others in the dance community OUR WEBSITE! Many positive responses within our club and beyond for the site. That is what has made all that hard work, WORTHWHILE!
Although this is my last post and update as webmaster, fear not, as we have a very capable club member who will be taking over in a little under a week. Several months ago, Mike Cosham was approached to take over as webmaster and after some careful thought and a bit of ground work on his part, decided to take on the task! Mike has had previous webmaster experience with his church and for the past several months, Mike has not only duplicated my site, but he has also been performing the weekly updates along with me on his site. Mike’s site will have a slightly different look, but he has taken special consideration to make sure that content is where you have found them in the past. Mike has used a different program for his site, but believe me, you will have no problem navigating his site. You will see Mike’s new site effective next update (or even after the AGM if you are so inclined!). A special thanks to Mike as despite what I considered to be a big part of the transition for me (remember I do more than just webmaster for the club), his work and do-diligence with the project made the transition quite seamless! Thanks Mike! Also thanks to Arlo, who neither Mike or I could work without for his work behind the scenes with the web host. An invaluable contribution!
I leave the website in good hands and although I will not be involved with the club after this season, it will be a joy to go to the Capital Carousels website and see what is happening on the dance floor at Parkdale! Happy Dancing and of course…Happy Surfing on the Capital Carousels Website!!