Hello fellow dancers and welcome to 2018! Our winter dance session starts this coming Wednesday and Thursday and we look forward to seeing everyone! Luckily for us, it seems our cold snap will be giving us a reprieve this week so we can journey out. After all of our festivities over the past month, it’ll be nice to get back into a routine and our favourite form of exercise-DANCING! To get back into things this week after our month away, we will having a full dance only this week at the club. The programs are posted and you will see we have all of the dances we learned in the fall session on the program—just to keep you in practice!
Please remember, this is a new session and you have the opportunity to pay for the full session up front, or pay as you go. Please check out the “Dance Season” link at the top of this page for all the details.
We continue to have members will ongoing cold and flu issues as well as other ailments. We wish everyone continued strength and better health in 2018!