2018/2019 Dance Season “Windup” Party

Capital Carousel’s final dance of the 2018/2019 season took place with a potluck dinner, AGM and dance on the evening of Wednesday May 15th.  A big thank-you to our social convenors Ian and Ann and all those who helped with or contributed toward the dinner.

Looking back on the past season and the changes required in the operation of the club after the retirement of our cuer Donna, things went quite well. In large part this was due to Donna’s loan of her pre-cued music to the club, a core group of equipment operators, the ability to create and share dance session playlists via email and the encouragement and feedback from dancers in attendance each week. Work was done and will continue next season, adjusting the cued music sound levels to reduce the operator’s need to make adjustments during the dance session.

Teaching this past season focused mainly on reviewing the 2018 Capital Caper dances and problem areas from other dances. Thanks Pat and John and also Ziggy & Jenny who filled in on Thursdays while Pat was on vacation.

A short AGM was chaired by our VP, Ziggy.
Club positions filled for the 2019-2020 season are:
President …………….. Ziggy
Vice President …….. Gavin
Secretary …………….. Arlo
Programmer ……….. Pat B
Social Convenors … Ziggy & Jenny
Treasurer …………….. Tom
Webmaster ………….. Mike
Directors at Large .. Toni & Wayne/ Robert & Jean

The fee structure for next season remains the same at $5/person per  dance if signing up for a complete session and $8/person per dance if not paying for the complete session.
The Fall 2019 dance sessions will begin Monday Sept. 9th and Thursday Sept. 12th.

Capital Caper 2019 this year takes place on October 25th & 26th so please mark your calendar and get your registration forms in early to help finalize attendance numbers. You will find a link to the registration form here.

Hope everyone has a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you again when dancing starts in Sept. 2019.

Black and White Ball is Coming!!

With only 3 weeks left in our dance season, plans are underway for a special dance event for Wednesday, May 18th! We shall close our season with a splash with a “Black and White Ball”. Come dressed in something black, something white, or a combination of both! Celebrate our 2015-2016 dance season with this regal event! It will be an all dance night and no teaches. Time for dancing, time for socializing. A perfect combination for a memorable evening! Cost for this special evening will be just $5 per person! Can’t beat that!
About half way through our evening, we will take a short intermission for our club’s Annual General Meeting and our election of next year’s officers. Ziggy has recently sent out an email which shows what positions are open and their job descriptions. Please consider putting your “hat in the ring” for one of these positions. Not only is your help needed, but some fresh ideas will help to keep our club innovative and allow us to continue to grow. We look forward to having you on board!