An Anniversary Dance We Won’t Forget!






The “pot-luck” dinner portion of Capital Carousel’s 5th Anniversary Dance took place on Friday 21st September. Unfortunately the dance portion of the evening was cancelled due to the violent storm system which caused power failures throughout the Ottawa area. The power went out at 6 PM so the dinner took place with rapidly fading daylight and a single emergency light. There was no shortage of delicious food items to choose from. A big thank you to all who contributed. There was also a wonderful 5th Anniversary Cake thanks to the club’s social convenors Ian and Ann Webb.
The club was honoured to have past dancers in attendance; Ian and Ann Wilkerson and Al and Eulice Harris. Also John and Barbara LeGrow who aren’t regular dancers with the club.
The evening came to a close shortly after 7PM when the hall was plunged into complete darkness due to an exhausted emergency light battery. Clean up took place using the flashlight “App” on multiple cell phones.
Special thanks to our Social Convenors, Ian and Ann for their hard work organizing the meal, Pat and Jill for decorating the hall, Pat Black for making up the program, which we unfortunately never got to dance and all who lent a hand to help in some way.