5th Anniversary Dance

Our first dance sessions for each group this past week seemed to go smoothly with no major hiccups.  Both groups were well attended and it was great to see all those familiar faces up on the dance floor once again.

The big news for the coming week is Capital Carousel’s 5th Anniversary Dance on Friday 21st September at Parkdale United Church. I’ve added the flyer at the top of this post but it won’t hurt to go over some of the details here.
The hall will open at 5:30PM with a “Pot-Luck” dinner taking place at 6PM followed by dancing from 7 – 9PM. There is no charge for entry but if you are able to bring something for the “Pot-Luck” it would certainly help out.
Even if you’re no longer an active dancer we’d love to have you come to this celebration and enjoy  meeting “old”friends.
Our Dance Program creator, Pat Black, would like feedback for creating an appropriate dance program for the evening. You can RSVP Pat by email at
The club looks forward to seeing many familiar faces at the dance.