The club’s regular dance season came to a close with a great dance party-night on Wednesday May 16th. The evening was hi-lighted by a special tribute to Donna, our club cuer, as she retires from the Carousels. Donna has live-cued for the club since it’s inception in 2013 and we will really miss her. In addition to cuing, she handled numerous other tasks some of which included developing and maintaining the club’s website and Facebook page, teaching dances and serving on the Executive Committee just to name a few. The club will continue to operate using her repertoire of music, which she has pre-cued and kindly loaned to the club for as long as it’s needed. Over the last few months she’s worked to ensure the future operation of the club by training a number of members in setting-up and operating the sound equipment and with Arlo’s help created a manual so we won’t forget how to do it. Thank-you so much Donna!
In appreciation for her work she was presented with gifts, cards, a beautiful flower basket and a lifetime Capital Carousels membership. We all wish Donna success in her future endeavours and look forward to her visiting the club from time to time.
The club’s AGM was held midway through the dance.
The executive positions for the 2018/2019 season are:
President ………….. Gavin
Vice President ….. Ziggy
Secretary ………….. Arlo
Treasurer …………. Tom
Programs/Teaching …Pat
Social Convenors ….. Ian and Ann
Webmaster/Facebook …… Mike
Members at Large ….. Wayne and Toni
Members at large …… To be filled later
Special thanks to Brian & Ann and Ian & Ann for keeping us fueled with coffee, tea and refreshments throughout the year.
Have a safe, enjoyable summer everyone and we’ll see you with your dancing shoes on in the Fall.