Capital Caper Coming Up!

Just 2 more weekends until Capital Caper! Steve and Irene Bradt will be returning to our Nation’s Capital with an interesting mix of dance rhythms to teach this year! We will be starting on Friday afternoon with an Intro to West Coast Swing! This will be an excellent opportunity to learn a new rhythm where everyone in our club is basically on the same playing field! No experience necessary for this session. We hope you will join us. In the evening, there will be a lovely phase 4 foxtrot presented which we think all will enjoy. On Saturday morning, a very popular phase 5 rumba will be taught which will be a wonderful addition to our dance experience. Based on what many round dancers worldwide are saying, we think you will like this one! On Saturday afternoon, Steve and Irene will be finishing off the teaching adding a phase 4 mambo! As we have a very limited amount of mambos in our dance portfolio, this will definitely be a welcome dance to our mambo selection! Capital Caper, as always, will be topped off with a night dance on Saturday night where Steve will be cueing all evening. Remember, not only does this weekend provide us with new dances to learn and a night of dancing on Saturday night, it also provides us a wonderful weekend to reacquaint ourselves with friends who visit us from outside our area. We also are treated to a wonderful lunch on Saturday where we get a chance to sit down and catch up on things.
Both Summer Caper and Capital Caper are Capital Carousels chance to provide enhanced learning experiences not only to our own dancers, but also to those who visit us from other areas. To host these events requires many helping hands and support from dancers to continue. If you have already registered, thank you for your support. If you have not, it is not too late. Pat Black will be accepting registrations at our club dances for the next couple of weeks. Please consider registering and helping us to continue to offer these dances weekends for the years to come. Thank you!