Valentine’s News

Last Friday was Valentine’s Day. There was plenty of red to be seen at the club and at coffee break, plenty of cake to be eaten.
Of course there were those who didn’t get the message about wearing red, like the guy on the left in the picture below. The lady beside him tells me she had definitely reminded him. He says that she reminded him 10 minutes before he went to get dressed so he forgot. Any men reading this will certainly understand where he’s coming from.

That’s Lyn behind practicing a dance move in her Valentine’s skirt.
Thanks to Pat I. for the photos.

Although our numbers are down significantly with folks on vacation, we have learned a couple of new dances. A phase 4 Cha “Little Spanish Town” taught by Ziggy & Jenny and a beautiful phase 4 slow two step, ” Wake Up Dancin’ “ by Sue & Doug. Both these dances are on “Dropbox”. Look for “Spanish Town” in the 2019 Swing Into Spring folder.  We’ve also been honing our skills reviewing some difficult moves from dances we’ve learned previously thanks to John & Marg.

Another recent addition to Dropbox is  “Besame Mucho”. This dance video previously had terrible audio and the cuing was extremely hard to hear and understand. I’ve been able to match Donna’s cuing  to the video so it’s much more useful now.

A reminder to be sure and check your email before leaving for dance, especially if the weather looks dubious, to see if dance is cancelled. I’ll also endeavour to add a notice to the website as well.

Spring is hopefully just around the corner.

You Asked For It!

We have talked a lot about our recent meetings and survey we had at Capital Carousels. Not only did it help us to come up with a game plan for our remaining season, it also told us a few things about what people would like to see regarding our teaching sessions. One point brought out was to introduce more reviews for dances we had already been taught recently and in years past. Another point was to have some reviews of particular figures we have been having trouble with. Beginning this week, you will have a chance to let us know what dances you would like a review on and what figures you feel you need help with. A signup sheet will posted on the stage at the clubs (by where the flyers are located). Please consider which dances and/or figures you might like reviewed and write them down on our sheet. This will help us plan for future teaching segments. Your webmaster/cuer and part time instructor has already indicated to Pat that in the spring session, any teaches that she pencils in for me, will be strictly reviews so please put on your thinking caps on and let us know what you would like!
Another area touched on in the survey was music selection. Some comments regarding some of our older dances vs some of our newer dances on the programs. Some people also felt some of the dances are difficult to dance to with regard to the beat. We will also have a signup sheet for this as well. Please indicate specific dances that you would like to hear more of-or hear less of.
With regard to all of this, the teaches decided upon would be based on not only popular request, but also what your instructors might see as an area of review needed. With regard to old vs new dances, being specific on choices is best. We may have a “preference” for one era over another, but I think we can all think of songs in the other era that we would miss dancing to, if it were removed or played less on our programs. Some of us may even enjoy dancing to both eras so specifics are very helpful.
To sum things up here, we at Capital Carousels, hear you about wanting some added dance and figure reviews to our teaching programs. We also recognize that we want to hear more of some of our dances we don’t hear too often and some dances we want to hear less of or not at all. What we would like now is for you to think about those specifics in each area I have outlined, and put your choices down on paper on our club days. There will be a separate signup sheet for both Wednesday and Thursday clubs.
Alright then! The plan is starting to come together. Get your choices in now and remember BE SPECIFIC!

Last Week of Our Regular Season

Our 2015-2016 dance season is almost over! We have one more week of regular sessions at both our Wednesday and Thursday clubs. On Wednesday, we will be finishing with “Pink Panther”, a foxtrot/jive combo choreographed by our own John Mowle. On Thursday, Donna will be continuing her bolero clinic with continued emphasis on rise and fall and a new figure for a new dance which should be a “cue and do” for our Thursday crew.
Beyond this week, we will still have 2 more weeks of dancing with JL and Linda Pelton, cuer/instructors from Dallas, Texas coming in on May 11 and 12 for teaches on both days! The teaches have been chosen as something which can be done at both clubs. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend both days. At $5/person for both days, what is not to like! Remember, after Thursdays session, we will be having a group potluck lunch. Sign up to bring your special potluck creation. What a great way to end out those two days! We look forward to JL and Linda’s arrival to our beautiful city and also to join us at our club. This type of opportunity is a rarity, so please take advantage of it!
Our Black and White Ball will be on Wednesday, May 18 which is the official last dance of our dance season. All dancing and no teaches. Come and mark the occasion in your top hat and tails men, or your little black dress ladies. Something black and white at any rate. We will dance, socialize, enjoy refreshments and have a very short business meeting to clear up year end loose ends.
There is still more dancing in the works for these next 3 weeks. We hope you can make it out!